Daily Archives: April 12, 2016

Better Senior Sex: Four Ways To Have Better Sex

We’ve all seen the commercials about erectile dysfunction, a lack of love, and a poor spark, but is it true? After a specific age can you no longer have sex, need for sex, or enjoy the sensations that accompany sex? Or is having better senior sex the same as finding your favorite wine- a process in which you take your time, enjoy the mood, and embrace the moment?

Realistically, sex can improve at any age. In fact, when the kids leave the house, adults get their freedom, and there’s less stress to deal with, people can age and truly enjoy each other’s company. When seniors are more creative, communicate better, and have a better attitude about spending time with each other, many find that sex gets better with age, as you understand more about each other’s body. Join us as we learn more and more about what’s important for better sex later on in life.

In this article, we’ll show you four ways to have better senior sex:

4. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Your body changes dramatically in your senior years. Help your partner better understand what you need and want by discussing everything with your lover. Work on reducing distractions, being creative, and trying to have more passionate. Try just talking about sex- sometimes it can make you feel even more sexy and ready for the moment.

3. Try thinking about sex differently than you used to. Because you’re aging, you might not be comfortable with some positions, or have issues with ED. In these situations, try having your lover on top (where it’s less of an issue). Try switching positions, and trying using your fingers and mouth. Have fun!

2. Exercise together and try to be more active. Try stretching, cardiovascular activities, even walking and strength training for virility and stamina. Cut out unhealthy foods and make a switch to feeling better about yourself in the future.

1. Check with your healthcare provider. Often there are medicines that can help you get your freak on. If you notice any sexual issues, try seeking medical health as soon as possible and avoid feeling embarrassed to discuss your issues. Your doctor might suggest getting out more, staying fit, and making better choices, but sometimes some medicines are better for your health and well-being than you might have thought. Taking a new approach to your health often gets the spark going. You might just feel like a little action after a few weeks of carefully administered medicine.

Sex Toys We Didn’t Even Know Existed

There are a lot of sex toys you probably did not know existed, and a lot of these exist in worlds where you might not necessarily have interest. Or, you might find out that some of them are actually really interesting. Having fun in the bedroom is a lot more fun if you have actually decided to try some of these sex toys with your partner.

The Sling

The sling is a huge leather mat that you hang from the ceiling. You put your partner in it, and you can have hours of fun. This is a toy that is meant for sex, but it could be used for bondage play if you want to punish someone. You need a place where you can hang up the four corners securely, but the sling is a lot of fun when you want to do something new with your partner.

The TENS Unit

You may not know what a TENS unit is, but it is actually an electric unit that delivers shocks. These are used for physical therapy, or they can be used for sex play. You can put the nodes from the unit anywhere on your partner, and you can shock them to increase the sensation. This is really interesting if you are using it right before sex because your partner will be more than ready to be with you after being warmed up by the TENS unit.

The Bullet Vibe

The bullet vibe is a tiny vibrator that can actually be attached to a remote control. You can give the remote to your partner, and they can turn it on any time they want. This is a really fun game you can play with your partner, but you have to be able to trust that person to make sure that they are going to do right by you while they are playing with the remote.

All the toys that you see here can be fun for you and your partner, but you need to be sure that you know how to use them safely. Being safe with your partner is very important, and both of you need to avoid injury when you are using these toys. The shocks from the TENS unit have to be made in the right places, and the sling needs to be used so that you do not hurt yourself. Everything can be fun when you are safe.